Year: 2019

How to Properly Care for a Mail Order Plant or Tree

How to Properly Care for a Mail Order Plant or Tree

Have you ever scoured your local nurseries or big box stores looking for that one plant or tree you’ve been dying to grow, only to come home empty handed?  Well if so, I feel your pain!  Occasionally there are plants that just aren’t readily available 

Fertilizer for Fruit Trees: How to Select the Right Fertilizer

Fertilizer for Fruit Trees: How to Select the Right Fertilizer

It’s common knowledge that fruit trees need a few things to flourish like water, sunlight, and food.  Wait a minute plants need to eat?  Absolutely!  For those that thought all you needed to do was plant that fruit tree add some water and watch it 

Can I Grow Bananas in Hot Climates like Arizona

Can I Grow Bananas in Hot Climates like Arizona

If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to vacay or even live in a tropical place, one of the things you’re sure to remember are the banana trees.  Nothing screams tropical like a banana.  We’re all trying to capture a piece of the tropics in our 

Apartment Gardening Made Simple

Apartment Gardening Made Simple

When you think about gardening, you typically think of needing a lot of space like a backyard to be able to garden.  While that definitely helps, it isn’t always necessary.  If you look up the definition of gardening it typically doesn’t state anything about the 

Should I Plant a Front Yard Vegetable Garden

Should I Plant a Front Yard Vegetable Garden

Driving through a typical suburban neighborhood comes nicely manicured front yards bursting with grass, or here in Phoenix, rock.  You’ll often see a tree or a few shrubs or some other decorative features.  Often times in an urban setting the front yard makes up most 

How Does Gardening Help a Child’s Development

How Does Gardening Help a Child’s Development

As a father of four young kids (ranging from 3 to 9yrs old), I’m always trying to help them identify interests and it’s always an added bonus when we share some similar hobbies.  If you’re a gardener with kids, I’m sure they’ve at least attempted 

How to Grow Tomatoes in Hot Climates (Even In the Arizona Desert)

How to Grow Tomatoes in Hot Climates (Even In the Arizona Desert)

When you think of gardening the first plant everyone wants to grow are tomatoes.  It’s just the thing to do and for good reason.  Tomatoes taste ten times better fresh off the vine then anything you’ll ever get at a supermarket.  If you live in 

How Native Plants Can Inspire Your Desert Edible Landscape

How Native Plants Can Inspire Your Desert Edible Landscape

Even though I live in the Arizona desert, I spend most of my gardening time growing traditional types of fruits and vegetables.  As you drive around our area there are a plethora of cacti and desert native plants which is a sight to behold.  When 

Simple Ways to Attract and Enjoy Wildlife in the Backyard

Simple Ways to Attract and Enjoy Wildlife in the Backyard

Many times we are fighting off birds that eat our fruit, rodents eating roots, or insects devouring our plants’ leaves, but there are times when wildlife in the garden can add joy to the gardening experience.  Gardening for the harvest is great, but creating a 

You Won’t Believe How Raising Rabbits as Indoor Pets Can Supercharge Your Garden

You Won’t Believe How Raising Rabbits as Indoor Pets Can Supercharge Your Garden

I have never been a pet guy, it’s not that I don’t like animals, I just don’t like all the extra work that comes with maintaining them.  Well when you have four young kids they can be very convincing.  After years of begging for pets, 

Fertile Garden Soil: 9 Tips for  a Healthy Soil

Fertile Garden Soil: 9 Tips for a Healthy Soil

We all know those places where the ground is fertile enough to just pop a seed into it, add some water, and watch it grow.  Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the luxury of having fertile soil readily available for our gardening needs, especially those 

Leaf Scorch: How to Rescue Sunburned Garden Plants

Leaf Scorch: How to Rescue Sunburned Garden Plants

Living in Phoenix Arizona, aka the valley of the sun, we gardeners never have a problem with our plants being sunlight deficient.  In fact, our dilemma is quite the opposite.  Our hot desert sun can be extremely intense, especially during the summer months.  Since sun 

A Guide to Outdoor Water Fountains: What’s Right for You?

A Guide to Outdoor Water Fountains: What’s Right for You?

For those that are always looking to add beauty to their backyard garden, adding a water feature is something that should be considered.  There isn’t much that creates a more Zen-like experience than the calming sounds of trickling water or just being around water.  How 

Mango Trees in Containers: 15 Best Mango Varieties for Small Spaces

Mango Trees in Containers: 15 Best Mango Varieties for Small Spaces

For those of us trying to grow Mango trees outside of the tropics or in marginal climates, growing them in containers is the way to go.  Here in the Phoenix, Arizona desert, we’re considered growing zone 9b, which is fringe conditions for growing mangoes.