Year: 2019

How to Start Urban Gardening in 5 Easy Steps

How to Start Urban Gardening in 5 Easy Steps

Much of the world resides in an urban setting.  Unfortunately living in the city, doesn’t always allow for large acreage.  In the Phoenix, Arizona area where I reside, it’s quite common to have HOA (Homeowners Associations) all over the suburbs with a typical 1/5th of 

12 Reasons For Pruning Fruit Trees For Amazing Results

12 Reasons For Pruning Fruit Trees For Amazing Results

Pruning fruit trees is one of those ongoing maintenance tasks that can scare a lot of new gardeners.  Although it can often times be critical for a thriving fruit tree, it really doesn’t need to be that imposing.  Fruit trees can be quite forgiving and 

Why You Need an Entrance Arbor in Your Garden Today

Why You Need an Entrance Arbor in Your Garden Today

My wife is great at making our front door to the house look inviting by adding flowers, wreaths, or changing the paint color.  I’ve tended to shrug it off as just something she likes to do, but have realized how amazing it looks when it 

Smart Strategies for Fruit Trees with Invasive Roots

Smart Strategies for Fruit Trees with Invasive Roots

Making sure that you have your fruit tree in the right location is paramount for a healthy tree.  It’s common to wonder about the foundation of your house or other structures when planting your fruit tree.  At planting a tree may appear tiny, but fast 

Featured Gardener from Central Florida

Featured Gardener from Central Florida

Today’s featured Gardener is with My Little Green Garden, selected images taken from her garden. Where do you garden? Central Florida, Zone 9b. The climate is hot and humid, but we still get a handful of freezes during the winter where crops have to be 

When is the Best Time to Plant Fruit Trees in Hot Climates?

When is the Best Time to Plant Fruit Trees in Hot Climates?

If you live in a hot climate where winters are fairly mild, you may wonder if it matters when you plant your fruit tree or when would be the optimal time to plant.  In more temperate climates with the traditional four seasons, it’s pretty obvious 

How to Water Fruit Trees in Hot Climates The Right Way

How to Water Fruit Trees in Hot Climates The Right Way

Learning the art of watering fruit trees can be one of the most challenging things for beginning gardeners. Gardening in places with frequent rainfall can make life a bit easier, but If you’re living in a hot climate that sees very little rainfall, that compounds 

Should I Stake My Fruit Tree

Should I Stake My Fruit Tree

Often times when you buy a young fruit tree from a nursery it comes in a pot and the trunk is secured to a stake.  If the trunk isn’t large enough, the tree will often lean or flop over once that stake is removed.  Proper 

Amazing Smart Garden Products to Try Right Now

Amazing Smart Garden Products to Try Right Now

There are those tried and true gardening tools that are a staple for every gardener, things like pruning shears, shovels, and a watering can.  We all have our various preferences when it comes to what products we believe are best or how we approach gardening, 

Growing Tropical Fruit Trees in Zone 9b

Growing Tropical Fruit Trees in Zone 9b

I’ve been growing various subtropical fruit trees in the Phoenix, Arizona desert for several years.  With some extra care it’s quite possible to grow several different types of subtropical fruit trees in zone 9b.  It isn’t always easy and set-backs are to be expected.  Occasionally, 

Featured Gardener from New Zealand

Featured Gardener from New Zealand

Today’s featured Gardener is with Living of the Land with Maggie Lil, selected images taken from her garden. Where do you garden? Marlborough, New Zealand Why did you start gardening? I started gardening as a way to heal, it actually saved me. I had become 

When to Use Shade Cloth in the Garden

When to Use Shade Cloth in the Garden

If you’ve attempted any type of gardening in the desert or a hot, dry climate, you know that in the summer months, shade is your friend.  For many climates, getting the most amount of sun as possible is important for plant growth, but when are 

7 Reasons Why Your Fruit Trees are Losing Leaves

7 Reasons Why Your Fruit Trees are Losing Leaves

You know that moment when you’re fruit trees have looked great for a while, then unexpectedly the leaves start dropping?  If you’re like me, seeing this can stop you in your tracks and get the gears cranking in your head.  You start running through all 

How to Attract Pollinators to the Garden (Even in the Desert)

How to Attract Pollinators to the Garden (Even in the Desert)

Bugs, birds, and butterflies are common sights around our backyard gardens.  If not, then we’re in trouble when it comes to producing the fruits and vegetables we enjoy.  Their importance to our gardens are so critical.  If we aren’t seeing them as much as we’d