40 Signs of a Fruit Tree Addict

When I found out all the different fruit tree possibilities for my area, I had a difficult time stopping at just one. I started thinking that the longer I wait to plant a fruit tree, the longer it would be to get fruit. One fruit tree, quickly led to several fruit trees. I now have around 25 different varieties and feel somewhat content. It’s an exhilarating feeling getting a new fruit tree, which I found can quickly get out of hand. Here’s a fun take on becoming a fruit tree addict.
You know you have a fruit tree addiction when….
- Your 2 yr old starts telling you they want to go to the nursery, meaning the fruit tree nursery.
- You tell your significant other that you’re going to the local big box store to get some parts to do that repair they’ve been waiting for you to complete, just so you can go look for another fruit tree.
- It just jumped into your cart.
- You only allow yourself one tree per paycheck.
- You go to the local nursery and tell the staff that your just there to look today and they all start laughing.
- You start bragging to other fruit tree addicts, when you’ve gone a week without buying a fruit tree.
- Your friend sold a car for $3000 and you blurt out, “Do you know how many trees that would buy.”
- You start donating plasma for extra fruit tree money.
- You are able to get 10 fruit trees in the back seat of your Prius.
- You spend your day thinking about how you’re going to sneak another fruit tree past your significant other and into the backyard.
- You’ve told yourself, “This is the last time” for the last 20 fruit tree purchases.
- You count fruit in your sleep.
- You have a list that includes the next 50 fruit trees you intend to buy for your 2000 sqft lot.
- You’ve hit up the local big box stores and the 10 others in a 100 mile radius.
- Your child wants a birthday party at a “plant place.”
- You take on grafting to ween you off.
- When you’re not buying fruit trees, you’re in Facebook gardening groups talking about it.
- You tell yourself you’re a hero for rescuing the trees on the clearance rack.
- You have an army of trees on your patio, than you realize, wow I actually have to dig holes for these.
- You sit in your backyard looking for an inch of space to squeeze one more in.
- You see someone post about getting another tree and tell yourself if they can do it, so can I.
- You have a love, hate relationship with the Big Box stores.
- You drive by a nursery and turn around and go back saying, “heck with it.”
- Somebody brings up their latest vacation to a tropical island and you’re asking them what kind of fruit they ate there.
- You start thinking about selling your house, not for a bigger house, but for a bigger backyard.
- Your friends say, “we need to talk.”
- Just one more, never means just one more.
- You tell yourself you’re done, than you get the mail and find the Logee’s catalog.
- You score a good deal and have to post it to all your Fruit tree friends.
- Someone posts about a deal and you’re immediately going to get it.
- You’ve created your own backyard touchdown dance when you bring a new tree into the yard.
- You’ve asked the Nurseries if you can work for fruit trees.
- You cruise around town looking to spot fruit trees in peoples yards.
- You ask anyone you see eating a piece of fruit for the seeds.
- You have conversations with your fruit trees.
- You walk around your yard every ten minutes to see if your tree has any new growth.
- All the nurseries and big box stores know you by name.
- Your family Christmas card photo is taken around your Orange tree.
- You tell everyone you’re just bettering the environment.
- You just flat out agree that you’re a fruit tree addict.
So, I’ll admit, like many of you, I have a bit of a fruit tree addiction. On the plus side, gardening has many benefits for health and wellness. Check out my post on how gardening improves our well-being and happiness. Also, fruit contains many vitamins and health benefits for the body. Alright, I’ll quit justifying my problem, and will stay away from the fruit tree nurseries, but wait I think I see an open spot in the yard.
Please comment below on anything that you enjoyed from this post or if you’re a fruit tree addict like myself.