Year: 2019

Growing Moringa Trees in Hot, Dry Climates

Growing Moringa Trees in Hot, Dry Climates

If you’re familiar with the nursery story Jack in the Beanstalk, it’s a story about a boy that had magic beans and when he planted them a massive stalk grew into the sky leading to the land of the giants.  Well, if you’re looking for 

Should I Use Smart Pots (Grow Bags) in Hot Climates

Should I Use Smart Pots (Grow Bags) in Hot Climates

I do a lot of container gardening, especially with fruit trees in the Arizona desert.  I’ve been having success for years growing in containers even when temps soar into the triple digits.  Smart Pots or Grow Bags have become a fairly popular method for gardening 

Fruit Tree Buyers Tips: How to Choose Fruit Trees?

Fruit Tree Buyers Tips: How to Choose Fruit Trees?

Nurseries can be a playground for gardeners.  We become enthralled with all the available plants, but just grabbing fruit trees impulsively, can potentially mean throwing your money away.  Spending your money there doesn’t always mean you’re getting a healthy fruit tree.  When you shop for 

A List of the Best Nurseries in the Phoenix Area

A List of the Best Nurseries in the Phoenix Area

Phoenix, otherwise known as the valley of the sun, is one of the largest cities in the United States.  It’s known for its year round sunshine and home to the Saguaro cactus.  There is an abundance of things to do in Phoenix, Arizona and it’s 

Featured Gardener from England

Featured Gardener from England

Today’s featured Gardener is with The Chatty Gardener, selected images taken from her garden. Where do you garden? I garden on the outskirts of Cheltenham in the Cotswolds, England. The soil is extremely sandy and the garden is high up with views to the Cotswold 

Should I Buy Beneficial Insects for the Garden?

Should I Buy Beneficial Insects for the Garden?

Having a pest outbreak in the garden can put a gardener in panic mode.  One common thought is to grab the chemicals and go for a quick kill.  Not only are chemicals death for the pests, they can wreak havoc on the good bugs, not 

10 Secrets to Grow Watermelon in the Arizona Desert (Hot Climates)

10 Secrets to Grow Watermelon in the Arizona Desert (Hot Climates)

Arizona has long been considered one of the top producing states for watermelon.  It’s believed that watermelon originated from the African deserts, so one would think it’s well adapted to a hot, dry climate like Arizona.  For several years, my attempts at growing this wonderful 

Proven Tips for Growing Mango Trees in Hot, Dry Climates

Proven Tips for Growing Mango Trees in Hot, Dry Climates

If you’ve ever had the chance to eat a mango from the tropics, you probably immediately fell in love.  It’s a totally different experience from the mangoes commonly found in the grocery store.  Much of the mangoes shipped are of inferior quality, go through irradiation 

Does Gardening Keep You Fit?

Does Gardening Keep You Fit?

I’ve seen many claims that gardening is great for exercise.  There are things that you’re doing in the garden that can be viewed as physical fitness like stooping, bending, raking, squatting, digging, lifting, reaching, or just moving around in general.   With doing movements like those 

Featured Gardener from Orange County

Featured Gardener from Orange County

Today’s featured Gardener is with Blooming Anomaly, selected images taken from her garden. Where do you garden? My balcony garden is located in Orange County, CA near the coast. Why did you start gardening? I started gardening to help relieve depression that I was experiencing 

Growing Fig Trees in Hot, Dry Climates

Growing Fig Trees in Hot, Dry Climates

One of the best plant purchases I ever made was a Black Mission starter tree for $2.50.  It didn’t look like much, just a 6-inch twig with a couple leaves, but it took off that first summer.  Fig trees are one of the easiest fruit 

DIY Irrigation System for Fruit Trees

DIY Irrigation System for Fruit Trees

Imagine living in a desert climate and the amount of time it would take to water your garden on a daily basis with nothing but a garden hose. Well, this was the story of my life for 8 years.  Both my current residence and previous 

7 Tactics for Planting Fruit Trees in an HOA Community

7 Tactics for Planting Fruit Trees in an HOA Community

HOA’s or Home Owner’s Associations have become increasingly more prevalent, especially in the Southwest United States.  The Phoenix, Arizona area where I reside, has become a haven for HOA communities.  When we were shopping for our home in 2016, the majority of homes we looked 

Essentials for a Successful Butterfly Garden in Hot Climates

Essentials for a Successful Butterfly Garden in Hot Climates

Butterflies have long been regarded as a sign of beauty.  We have been enamored by the small creatures with fluttering wings of color that grace the skies around us.  Something about the life cycle of these insects invokes feelings in us that we are constantly